This Is All For You

(Quick Back Story)

If there's one thing you need to know about me, it's that I love the band Leeland. I first heard them when they played at my church 7 or 8 years ago. My mom bought their CD and we've been hooked ever since.

There are quite a few reasons why I like them so much, (maybe because the lead singer, Leeland, has red hair exactly like mine, or because all of their songs remind me of being 10 years old,) but the number one reason would have to be the lyrics Leeland writes.

(End of Back Story)

Yes You Have is one of my most favorite songs. It so beautifully describes how wonderful it is that Jesus has saved us from our sins. The chorus says,

"You've stolen my heart
Yes, You have
You've wiped away the stains
And broke away the chains
Yes, You have"

More often than I'd like to admit, I catch myself judging other people and their lack of commitment to Christ. In the moment, I believe the lie that I am better than them because I choose to follow Jesus and they don't.

Here's the honest truth: We are all sinners. Every single one of us. We have ugly hearts that want the things that are bad for us - the things that tear us away from God. The world wants us to believe that we are all beautiful, inside and out. That our desires are good, and that we should act on them whenever we think it feels "right."

Don't get me wrong here, we are all God's wonderful creation, made in His own image. We are not worthless, nor are our desires. But because of the fall, we are now sinners who want all the wrong things and who run away from our loving Father. (Great news, I know)

But really, there is great news. Leeland tells it like it is:

"With Your love You set me free
Three nails gave me liberty
So I'll sing Your praise
My God, I'll sing Your praise
With Your love
You forgave my sin
Forgot my past
And brought me back again
So I'll sing Your praise
I'll sing Your praise"

We chose to sin against God, but He chose to forget that it ever happened! He really does wipe away the stains and break away the chains. We don't have to be bonded to sin anymore. We are free in Him!

My favorite part of the song is the bridge. It's such a good change of perspective. It says,

"This is all for You
Yes, this is all for You
You're the King of the world
You're the King of the world"

This life is all about Jesus. The entire Bible points toward and leads up to Him. Our purpose on this earth is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. He is the King of the world, He will reign forever and there is nothing we can do to change that.

So I don't believe in Jesus because it makes me better than someone else. (It doesn't) I believe in Him and I trust His ways because I've been on the other side. I've felt so far away from God and so close to the devil and his schemes to ruin my life. I've believed the world's lies about who Jesus is. (Or isn't)

I'll be the first to tell you that my life was not pretty when I was walking in sin. I knew that the way I was living wasn't right, but the earthly things that I was filling my life with, (music, movies, tv shows, books, etc. that glorify people and sin versus glorify God) just didn't seem worth letting go of.

If you're on the fence about something, whether it be something rather insignificant, like watching a movie, or something extremely significant, like choosing whether or not to continue a friendship with someone who isn't a good influence on you, I would encourage you to think about it this way: Everything we do, no matter how great or small the achievement is, contributes to one of two causes in our life. It either builds up our relationship with God or takes away from it, nudging us in the direction of the world.

Christ so lovingly gave His life for us, so in return, we can choose to live our lives to glorify Him. Because if we aren't glorifying God, we are glorifying ourselves.