Potatoes and Quinoa: A Recipe

Hello friends! It's been a while.

As many of you may or may not know, I am a vegan and strive to eat a mostly plant based diet. Today I will be sharing with you a food dish I discovered recently, mainly because it as changed my life in great, great ways. Yes, it is completely vegan, and yes, it is extremely delicious.

Most of my cooking discoveries are born out of creativity and or throwing random things from my kitchen inside the pot. This specific dish is quite simple, however, containing only 5 ingredients. Let's have a look...

Potatoes and Quinoa - Serves 2-3

• 6-8 small red potatoes (Or really any kind of potatoes. It's up to you. This is where you really get to shine.)

• 1 1/2 cups of white quinoa

• 1/2 cup of white rice

• 3 cups of water

• coconut oil

• avocado

• salt

First, let's chop up our little potato friends into fourths and place them in a medium sized pot with the water. Bring it to a boil, add the quinoa and rice, then bring down the heat to low/simmer. We'll let those three amigos hang out in the hot pot for about 20 minutes, or however long it takes for them to absorb all the water.

 Now it's time to add in some flavoring. Before we serve, let's stir in a spoonful or 2 of coconut oil. Doing this to any dish really adds a great, creamy taste. (Beware. It also may make your dish taste like Jesus laid His hands on it.)

You've come to a fork in the road. You have 2 options:

1) You can pack this pot full of fun into tupperware to store for later meals, or,

2) You can can serve it up into some bowls and dig in.

Once served, add avocado to each individual bowl and salt to taste.

 Eating vegan is fun! I even got artsy (surprise) and made a lettering piece to illustrate.

I hope you enjoyed this humorous recipe and I hope you try making it yourself! It's very yummy.

Customer rating: ★★★★★ "That is the best thing in the world." -Dan Banks (my dad)